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Nature, Science and Pharmacology

stand Terra di Cuma

From history to legend

Cuma was a cradle of civilization. During the first archaeological excavations there were found terracotta pots containing unguents for beauty care. Cuma is also linked to the famous myth of the Sibilla, known as Sibilla Cumana.


Tradition and experience

In the third book of Aeneid by Virgil, we have the first testimony about the oracle of Cuma. Ever Since 1970, trotter horses have been treated at Cuma's seaside. They are trained on the beach and, thanks to the sea and the high rate of iodine in the air, they are healed from any kind of limb or muscle condition. For the horse, healing and training in Cuma is a treat. That's why we decided to start Terra di Cuma ltd., taking inspiration both from ancient tradition of unguents and from seaside treatment techniques of today.
